Even small symptoms as indigestion could be a sign of a bigger disease and getting evaluated by your doctor if the symptom is not going away is a necessity for early detection. We give real importance to details whenever a patient presents himself/herself as that’s what we should do when someone is entrusting their health with us. Digging into a problem to get at the root of the issue and resolving it is what we believe our patients look forward in us. Keeping yourself well checked can help you avoid surprises in your health timeline later.
The center point of our care is the patient, which is you. Primary care include health promotion,disease prevention, health maintenance, counseling, patient education, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses. All patients receives a full assessment of the issues faced by them and individualized care for every health problem they are facing.
The annual physical exam helps your PCP to determine the general status of your health and also gives you a chance to talk to them about any ongoing or other health concerns that you might have. The exam includes- Vital signs: blood pressure, breathing rate, pulse rate, temperature, height, and weight. Vision acuity: testing the sharpness or clarity of vision from a distance. Head, eyes, ears, nose and throat examinspection, palpation, and testing, as appropriate. Includes lab work and other tests such as EKG, Spirometry. You will have a call from your doctor who will personally speak to you and discuss all the lab work in detail with you.
EKG- Electrocardiogram is a tracing created by capturing the electrical activity of the heart and used to diagnose major cardiac diseases and is the first test in diagnosing cardiac diseases. Based on the findings, your doctor may conduct further tests or refer you to a specialist if needed.
Spirometry- is a test where you blow using a mouth piece and the pressures are measured using the sensors in the mouth piece and that gives an assessment of your lung volumes. This is used to diagnose lung diseases of various types and kinds. Based on the results, your doctor may start treatments and may refer you to a specialist if necessary.
COVID 19- is the disease caused by the SARS corona virus-2 which has caused the pandemic that started in January of 2020. The disease affects multiple organ systems but primarily the respiratory system causing pneumonia which progresses to a severe condition called ARDS (Acut Respiratory Distress Syndrome) which results in the inability of the patients to breath on their own and hence they will be intubated and placed on artificial ventilation via a ventilator. It also causes multiple organ damage including- Heart failure, liver failure, kidney shut down requiring dialysis, septic shock with low blood pressure requiring major interventions, neurological damage including nerve damages and encephalopathy, clot formations which can lead to clots in major organ systems. The disease has caused death for thousands of people worldwide.
Even though the treatment modalities for the disease are limited, new modalities are being tested and reported almost every day. Keeping uptodate on the management of COVID is very important.
Dr. Thampy has conducted research among patients affected by COVID at the Greenwich hospital and has sent the results for publication.
Immunization against specific diseases are important in preventing them from causing significant damage to the body. Some vaccines completely prevent disease however some others will only preven severe damaging disease from happening. Some of the vaccines available to adults are: Influenza virus, Pneumococcus, Varicella Zoster, H.Influenza. Also specific vaccines are advised before travelling to certain countries.
COVID vaccines are available by registering with NY state using the link below and making an appointment.
We offer influenza and pneumococcal vaccines only. COVID vaccines are available by registering with the NY State
Lipid disorders are due to an excess of one of the lipid particles in the blood or due to deficiency of some others too. Your doctor will send for a lipid profile blood test which is done in the fasting state. Primary lipid disorders are – increases in Triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and Non-HDL cholesterol and also a decrease in HDL cholesterol. A good knowledge of the chemical metabolic pathways is necessary to manage these problems as these form the prime reason in causing heart attacks, strokes, heart failure,fatty liver and many other diseases. Also genetic patterns are present causing these diseases which need to be identified and genetic testing need to be done in those cases. We choose medications as the last resort in treating lipid disorders. Also one should know that lipid changes are just the body’s way of telling us that something else is the issue and by just giving medications to correct those levels may not be the right way always and that may not change the risk.
Dr. Thampy is an Obesity Medicine certified physician who has a great deal of knowledge in managing lipid disorders by diet and lifestyle management and if necessary by using medications.Managing Cardiac, Gastrointestinal, Pulmonary and other organ diseases Patients with internal organ disease always have other generalized diseases and control of those diseases is essential to keep the organ damage from progressing and for disease improvement. We give close importance to details of every aspect of the patient. Appropriate referrals to specialists and keeping all patient related information in one place helps us manage the patient as a whole rather than looking at specific diseases alone. We manage most of these diseases and refer our patients to the some of the best specialists in the field when a referral is necessary. Advice on travel medicine
Travel to certain parts of the world need precautions to be taken including vaccines as well as
prophylactic medications to prevent getting infected with dangerous diseases. We follow the CDC
recommendations in advising our patients what is the right thing to do and also advise them about what to watch out for when visiting a particular country.
Advice on smoking cessation and alcohol abstinence. Smoking is a well known risk factor for heart disease, long term irreversible lung disease and also lung cancer and some head and neck cancers which can cause death or significant debilitation. We give advice on how to overcome the dependence on tobacco by starting specific medications to prevent withdrawal and relapse. We also put patients on protocols for alcohol abstinence if they are not in a withdrawal phase which necessitates admission to the hospital. Appropriate referral t Psychiatry is also considered if there are associated neurotic or psychotic diagnoses present.
Obesity and Metabolic syndrome
Obesity is a disease rather than just an increase in the body weight and involves numerous hormones
and the imbalance between them. Dr.Thampy is certified with American Board of Obesity Medicine.